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Breeder edition by Cara Bristol Romance eBooks

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Breeder edition by Cara Bristol Romance eBooks

Omra hasn't had easy since arriving at the Breeding Facility. But her life is about to change in ways she never expected when the Alpha Commander comes and takes her away to be his.

Dak was only looking for a breeder to sire an heir, but there is something about Omra that calls to him like no other before.

The more Dak spends in Omra's company, the more his connection to her deepens. However this connection goes against the law of the land.

He knows the best thing he could do for Omra is to send her back to the Breeding Facility, but just the thought of another touching her angers him.

So when her life, and in turn his as well, is threaten Dak will stop at nothing to keep them safe. Even if it means given up the life he's built.

Breeder is a thrilling, exotic, sensual read that captives the read from start to finish. The chemistry between Dak and Omra is electric right from that first glance. The sparks fly of the pages has their relationship intensifies.

What I love most about Dak and Omra is that even though they didn't understand what their feeling were trying to tell them, they didn't fight it. Especially Dak, he knew what his attraction to Omra could cost him but he couldn't just let go of her.

The storyline will keep you glue to page while guessing what will happen next. The twist and turns takes the reader on an exhilarating journey.

If you are looking for something a little dark, a sultry heroine, a hero that would defend his love even if it cost him his life, and romance that is out of this world, then I would recommend you read Breeder.

Read Breeder  edition by Cara Bristol Romance eBooks

Tags : Breeder - Kindle edition by Cara Bristol. Romance Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Cara Bristol,Breeder,Cara Bristol,Fiction Romance Science Fiction,Fiction Romance Fantasy

Breeder edition by Cara Bristol Romance eBooks Reviews

"Breeder" is a well written, intriguingly conceived work that skillfully blends good storytelling, accessible characters and scenes of frankly enjoyable erotica. Readers would do well, however, to heed the author's clearly stated disclaimer that the work contains "spanking." I found that term not nearly strong enough to describe repeated incidents of nothing less than physical abuse of a woman by a man using both his hand and a barbed instrument. The fact that the woman felt she provoked the abuse by her disobedience of the man's directives, deserved it and welcomed it as proof of his love and concern for her disturbed me profoundly, as did descriptions of her genitalia being pierced with a locking mechanism to ensure her chastity. The setting of the book is within a society where women have no value, and the main male character comes to love and cherish the woman he initially bought as a commodity. This change in character and outlook is heartening, but the woman clearly continues to enjoy her submissive role, happily retaining the chastity ring in her genitals as a reminder of her "belonging to him" and fully aware and amenable to the fact that the man will still "discipline" her if he feels she needs it. This, of course, he would do solely out of love for her, for her own good, to discourage her from disobeying rules which he set down for her safety and well being. This otherwise well-executed, well-paced work left me with a great sense of unease.
I was looking for a good sci-fi erotic romance, and everything about this book, from the striking cover to the very last page, held my attention and kept me invested in the characters and how the story would turn out. It was really a great read.

I loved the setting of this book an off-world/ alien planet, a male-dominated place where a woman has no rights and no say. It's so wrong, and has no place in real life, but I love to read this in romance. Whether a Viking romance, a medieval or sci-fi romance, or dystopian, this sort of world/society just works for me. I like it misguided, primitive, basic and subjugated. I'm always going to go for that theme in a romance, just to see how it will play out for the characters involved.

On Parseon, a woman serves, she answers to the men who rule her, and she is disciplined when she disobeys. Women breed; they really have no other use. And if she's lucky, a less unkind man will purchase her as his breeder. When an alpha desires offspring, he selects a breeder from the Breeder Containment Facility. Like a broodmare, she is inspected for suitability. She becomes property, taking care of his home, servicing other men, if he wishes it, preparing his meals, and then, bearing him heirs. I love this whole concept, archaic and inherently wrong, but you know it will lead to the drama, the personal crisis, the hero will have to sort out for himself. That makes a good romance for me, when the hero must come to terms with a misconception, rectifying in his mind the right and wrong of society.

Also, in this world, men are divided into two categories alphas and betas. Alphas are in charge, the strongest and the most aggressive of the men, and the betas are second tier. "Alphas ranked at the top, betas fulfilled support functions, and females, being of limited mental and physical capacity, served as breeders, domestic labor, and secondary sexual outlets, primarily for betas." Betas are like companions to alphas, and this dynamic reminded me a little of ancient Greece. There might be an m/m bond, a sanctioned sexual relationship that serves a purpose, one strictly for release, as on Parseon, it's considered unnatural to lust after a woman. You breed her, but you don't need or desire her, and you certainly don't love her.

And what also makes this more problematic for our hero is that he's not only an alpha; Dak is the Alpha, the Commander. So here we have a man going against the rules he's supposed to enforce, against his society's Protocol, because he's falling in love with a female, someone he has been taught is inferior and unworthy in every way. It really made for a great read. The sexual chemistry, the passionate sex, the building up of feelings and emotion, the forbidden quality of it, the innocent and submissive female, and the male who owns her, but who then ends up being 'owned' by the woman holding his heart-- it was all that I love to read in this sort of romance. Just really very good.

There is m/m sexual contact between Dak and his beta, but it's not too drawn out, and it didn't bother me, as during this scene, it is his little female Dak is thinking of. For Dak, it was only a duty, and this was before he even touches, and falls for, his breeder. I really loved Dak. So much. Loved how he evolved, how his feelings changed him and his outlook. He begins to show his emotions more, to care, and by the end of it, the reader knows exactly how far this man will go for his woman. He falls hard for her, refuses to share her; she's it for him. No one else for her, and no one else for him.

The ending was very sweet and romantic, too. I wasn't expecting how sweet that would feel, and I'm glad the author gave me that extra touch of softness before I said goodbye to Dak and Omra. It ends with a complete story and a full romance for them, and it made me happy for this couple and hopeful for their future. There's more for the author to do on this world (the Council, the Enclave, the Terrans), and I hope she makes a series out of this.
To imagine an existence such as that which reigns in Parseon - it boggles the mind! I find much to admire in Dak's character. He's made a treaty with Terrans, he allows the Enclave to exist in his territory, his justice (though harsh) is appropriate within cultural norms rather than abusive. It is a joy to watch the transformation when he purchases the one who will bear his children. Omra is unusual for a woman of her times, proving that females are far more capable than the males believe. Little by little, things begin to change, even though it brings danger to both of them. A fascinating, highly charged story! Not to be missed! I voluntarily reviewed an author's copy of this book.
Omra hasn't had easy since arriving at the Breeding Facility. But her life is about to change in ways she never expected when the Alpha Commander comes and takes her away to be his.

Dak was only looking for a breeder to sire an heir, but there is something about Omra that calls to him like no other before.

The more Dak spends in Omra's company, the more his connection to her deepens. However this connection goes against the law of the land.

He knows the best thing he could do for Omra is to send her back to the Breeding Facility, but just the thought of another touching her angers him.

So when her life, and in turn his as well, is threaten Dak will stop at nothing to keep them safe. Even if it means given up the life he's built.

Breeder is a thrilling, exotic, sensual read that captives the read from start to finish. The chemistry between Dak and Omra is electric right from that first glance. The sparks fly of the pages has their relationship intensifies.

What I love most about Dak and Omra is that even though they didn't understand what their feeling were trying to tell them, they didn't fight it. Especially Dak, he knew what his attraction to Omra could cost him but he couldn't just let go of her.

The storyline will keep you glue to page while guessing what will happen next. The twist and turns takes the reader on an exhilarating journey.

If you are looking for something a little dark, a sultry heroine, a hero that would defend his love even if it cost him his life, and romance that is out of this world, then I would recommend you read Breeder.
Ebook PDF Breeder  edition by Cara Bristol Romance eBooks

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